Xander and Thunder Saga

Hello everyone! The young stallion Xander continues to hold his father’s band despite him being not far behind most days. Time will tell if Thunder can take all or some of the girls back one day. Until then, Xander is doing a good job of keeping the family together. Below is a look at the band as well as their former stallion, Thunder. Enjoy!

Xander’s band (L to R): Xander, Blue Angel sleeping, Pale Lady, Winter, Angel, Boomer sleeping, Amite in back, Strawberry, Taylor, Cowgirl, and Spotted Blue

2014 Band Stallion, Xander

(L to R): Pale Lady, Boomer, Winter, Amite, Xander, and Strawberry – Spotted Blue is in the back

Xander moving Winter, Angel and Blue Angel back to the rest of the band.

2001 Former Band Stallion, Thunder
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