A Look at Black Hawk

Hello everyone! There has only been one new foal in Copper’s band this year, but boy did he make an impression. 2021 Colt, Black Hawk out of Mare Grace was a little firecracker from the first moment I met him. He ran and ran while the rest of the band grazed and even tried to kick Grace as she walked away from him! Now, seven months later, he has grown into a handsome young colt.
Below is a look at Black Hawk over the previous months. I will also add when each photo was taken. Enjoy this handsome boy, and have a great night!

Such a feisty little guy! (April)

2014 Mare, Grace and her 2021 Colt, Black Hawk (May)

2014 Mare, Grace and her 2021 Colt, Black Hawk (September)
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