Teton By the River

Hello everyone! Today, I wanted to look closer at Teton and his band. The youngsters in his band have changed quite a bit. Titan was allowed to stay at two years old while his brother Shooter was pushed out and is now running with Cloud. Last year’s foals, Trinity and Monet, are not so little anymore, but they have become two very good-looking yearlings. This year’s foal, Tucker, changed quickly and is too cute. Below is a look at the band one afternoon as they made their way to the river. Enjoy this look at Teton’s band!

Handsome boys Monet and Titan

Moms and babes – (front to back) Tucker and Shay, Goblin and Blossom, Monet and Indian Paintbrush, and Teepee and Trinity

Teton, Indian Paintbrush, and their colt Monet

Teton, Indian Paintbrush, Monet, Titan, Teepee, and Trinity

Teton’s band moving along the Little Missouri River
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