The World on His Shoulders

Hello everyone. It’s been a long week in the park physically and emotionally. Tracking these horses isn’t always easy but we learn to take the good with the bad. As Eileen stated on Wild in North Dakota last night, we did see Twister alone with her new colt, Atlas, yesterday. We are unsure of Gray Ghost’s location at this time but will try and locate him as well. In the meantime, Twister is doing an excellent job looking after her colt on her own. Please continue to send positive thoughts for this little guy as he is still not well. We do not know exactly what is wrong but he continues to fight and do his best to stick with mom. Below is an image of Twister and her colt, Atlas. She was coming up to check on him after he had woke from a nap. We will do our best to keep you updated with any changes. Thanks, everyone.