Brotherly Love

I was finally able to spend some time with Wildrye and his band today and get some updated photos of his colts. His two boys have changed a lot over the last couple of months. One thing I will say about Wildrye, he sure does make some beautiful babies. Everyone else in the band looked good as well. I grabbed some quick pictures of Paige, Lorena, and Wildrye to share with the boys’ updates as well. Enjoy and have a great week!

2019 Colt, Alarm (left) out of Mare Paige 2019 Colt, Anthem (right) out of Mare Trouble’s Girl These two are 3 weeks apart in age.

2011 Band Stallion, Wildrye – Poor Wildrye has no tail left because he kids keep eating it! 😳

2014 Mare, Lorena

2014 Mare, Paige and her colt, Alarm

2019 Colt, Alarm (left) out of Mare Paige 2019 Colt, Anthem (right) out of Mare Trouble’s Girl