Wild Winter Highlights

Hello everyone! I know I haven’t posted for a few days but I have been in the park as much as possible taking advantage of the above zero temperatures. There are a lot of horses to check on and the deep snow right now makes it a little more difficult. I have had eyes on the majority of the bands this week and almost all the bachelors. We do have some strange ongoings happening in the park. However, things can change out here from day to day and with snow being a factor right now, we may not have all the answers until spring. If you have any questions, feel free to ask though. Rather than focus on one band today, I decided to share a few recent photos of some of the horses I have seen. I will write under each photo as well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks, everyone!

2018 Filly, Athena – Ember’s Girl x Mystery – Her face started to change in early winter.

Georgia’s Boy and Indy playing around. Indy and Casper are still hanging out with Georgia’s Boy.

2016 Colt, Indy

2010 Band Stallion, Half Moon

2004 Band Stallion, Mystery

Sisters out of Freckles – Phoebe and Eclipse

2006 Mare, Raven of Mystery’s band

2004 Mare, Rosie of Half Moon’s band. You will oftentimes find the four young fillies of this band with Rosie.